
Implants Overdenture /

Implant Overdentures are also called “Snap-On Dentures” because the mechanism to connect the denture to the implants is a male-female, snap assembly. This “Snap Assembly” provides stability (prevents movement front to back and side to side) and retention (prevents the denture from moving away from the tissues).

The implant overdenture is an affordable and effective option for restoring the edentulous arch, providing stability and function that are far superior to those offered by the traditional complete denture. This treatment option provides an economical means of enjoying the life-changing benefits of implant therapy, including improved bite force, chewing capability, comfort and phonetics.

Indeed, patients who receive implant overdentures report significantly higher satisfaction and quality of life than wearers of traditional denture.

Fixed Implant Dentures/All On 4/Hybrid (non-removable)

Patients who would otherwise require a full set of dentures can opt for Non-Removable Implant Dentures/Fixed Implant Dentures/Hybrid Prosthesis/ All On 4.  This has become the most popular worldwide option for patients missing all their teet

What are the Benefits of Fixed Implant Dentures?

  • The ability talk, chew, and bite with full functionality
  • Fixed implant dentures (All-on-4 or All-on-6) are much closer in contour and feel to natural teeth
  • This option allows the patient to enjoy a full set of teeth more naturally without self-consciousness or anxiety
  • They are screwed in, and don’t come out.

All on 6 Hybrid Dentures
All on 4 Hybrid Dentures